Member benefits
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Worried about taxation? A taxpayer member or a family member living in the same household can call TATA tax lawyers’ Consultants and Accountants. Many of the answers can be found in the tax advice section of TATA, where members can find all the articles and tips related to tax, accounting and legal service over the years.
TATA act as an advocate and lobbyist for taxpaying in Tanzania. We promote encouraging, sustainable, competitive and reasonable taxation and demand responsible management of public finances. The Association engages in advocacy by actively participating in public tax debate and making its own proposals for the development of taxation and tax legislation.
As a corporate member, you will receive advice from TATA Tax Lawyers on your company’s tax issues. Each year, receive the Company Tax Information Package book, which contains the basics of corporate taxation in one cover. The CEO or owner of a company can also use all benefits intended for individual members.
The taxpayers’ online service provides a wealth of tax information and advice, news and information on TATA member benefits, events and training. As a member of TATA, you can take advantage of a more extensive advisory service and read TATA magazines, articles and digital versions by logging in to the service with your own credentials.